How to Identify Ritual Abuse in Children

Unlike adults, children can’t escape their perpetrators especially if the abusers are their parents, teacher or other persons in authority.  Young children will not usually talk about their abuse as they have been threatened.  Older children from 8 years old or older will speak up if they feel safe, however, the younger ones won’t typically talk to an adult even if a caring parent is present.  The problem is that police, DCFS, doctors, and child justice organizations won’t take the parent’s word at it.  The child has to speak up.  If they don’t, the child is sent home without anything done to help them.  We’ve seen this time and time again.  Conveniently law enforcement or state agencies are “off the hook” when it comes to child abuse cases.  We have tried to push legislation to change this so that the parent can request specific full scope exams that would identify abuse evidence, but sadly, Utah legislators don’t want to push these common sense bills.  Utah is corrupt because many Utah politicians, doctors and lawyers are ritual abuse perpetrators.  Since church leaders are also involved and have influence over many agencies (healthcare, law enforcement, education, counselors, etc.), getting real help is almost impossible.   

We get calls from survivors all over the country who report the same thing.  Ritual abuse is pervasive and it occurs right under our noses but the general public doesn’t realize it because it’s well organized, well funded and well hidden.  Because ritual abuse is a spiritual problem, without the help of Jesus, no one will fulling heal.  Our survivors have been raped by men who dress up as Jesus.  The survivors are lied to but religion is used to control them, so when they do come out of the abuse, the last thing survivors want is help from the very person who could help them the most (Jesus Christ).  A large majority of survivors turn to new age and occultic practices for healing which is a deception.  New age therapies may make survivors feel better for a time, but it’s temporary.  

I’m tired of being “politically correct” on this topic.  I’ve been told not to use the word “ritual abuse.”  I’ve been told to not talk about the graphic abuse, but how else are we supposed to wake people up on what is happening to our kids?  Enough of that.  We need to shout this from the rooftops.  Our kids are being taken and raped, tortured, and killed for satan in our churches.  Most parents of survivors are involved (87%).  That’s why you don’t hear about this.  This is why government stats on child abuse are so low and inaccurate.  That’s why the media won’t cover it because the media is involved.  That’s why police don’t help because many policeman are Freemason and they perpetrate on kids.  I’ve heard that police are in on the ritual ceremonies raping the kids IN THEIR UNIFORMS!

So, if you are an adult, you have a duty to report child abuse.  Here are the signs:

— Child will have nightmares or can’t sleep through the night.

— Child may perform inappropriate sex acts (masturbating or touching at a very young age).

— Child will draw pictures of sexual anatomy that they shouldn’t know about (they use black and red colors).

— Child may have reoccurring UTIs or yeast infections at a young age.  They will tell you their “pee pee” hurts.

— Child may tell you something is happening at grandma’s or parent’s house (you need to believe them).

— Child has red and swollen genitals.

— Child isolates.

— Child is tardy a lot or is absent from school.

— Child is afraid to tell you anything because they may get hurt. You need to be proactive.

— Child may be diagnosed with a STD later on (teen years) or pregnant.  The fetus is aborted before she shows as a ritual sacrifice.

This isn’t something you just get over.  This isn’t something you can “forgive and forget.”  Stop telling your family members that they are crazy, imagining things or lying about abuse, otherwise, YOU are complicit and will be held accountable by God.  If you know something and don’t report, you will held accountable for not speaking up.  You can anonymously report to the police or DCFS so there is no excuse.  And you need to hold your church leader accountable for not doing something about it.  If child abuse has been reported to the LDS hotline, believe me there are thousands of reports, your church leaders know about it and they aren’t doing a damn thing.   It’s time to clean out our churches of bad leadership.  

I’ve heard from survivors all over the country and this is happening in every church denomination so I’m not just pointing the finger at the LDS Church.  We have a job to do.  The good members of the churches need to stand up to this evil within.  If your representative or senator won’t do anything, then they need to be kicked out of office.  Any politician that won’t give audience to survivors are probably pedophiles and you need to clean house.  If you think Trump is going to save us, think again.  He was named by our survivors as a participant in the rituals.  Every president has since WWI.  How else do you think they rise to the ranks they achieve?  Satan offers pedophiles power, money and sex.  Wake up!  Wake up!  Our children are being destroyed.  

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